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Music Reviews by The Pencilneck ®

Music is supposed to feel like something

And performances tend to feel better than stuff that’s assembled like Lego bricks…

Music Reviews by The Pencilneck ®

Music is supposed to feel like something

And performances tend to feel better than stuff that’s assembled like Lego bricks…

The Feline Horror of Mortgage Manor

Gather ’round my pretties! We’ve got a chilling tale of Feline Horror to share. Beware of the fate that can befall you: it can render strong men helpless!

The Pencilneck ® on Blending Pencil

Painters tend to block in large areas of canvas and go back at the end to add all of the little details: fur, highlights, etc. I sure wish I could do that…

The Pencilneck’s ® Ultimate Caesar

In St Louis, Troy, David and I discovered a Caesar bar at a nearby Hooter’s, and through meticulous trial and error – including a spectacular disaster involving beef broth and ham slices – we scientifically cracked the secret to The Ultimate Caesar!

Owen Gets Kicked Out of St Louis Hotel

There’s more than one St Louis. There’s more than one hotel in St Louis. In fact, there’s more than one St Louis Hotel, and some aren’t even in St Louis!

That Time I Took My Sons to The Circus

I love a circus! The animals, snow cones, cotton candy, cheesy music, barkers, & the crappy toys that smelled like a headache. But this circus had problems.
