The Adventures of The Pencilneck ® are The Ramblings, Case Histories, and Chronicles of Owen Garratt – Pencil Artist
Surviving a Frozen Night on a Mountain
Way back when Hudson was four, he asked if we could go to Jasper; little did we know we’d be surviving a frozen night on a mountain.
The Feline Horror of Mortgage Manor
Gather ’round my pretties! We’ve got a chilling tale of Feline Horror to share. Beware of the fate that can befall you: it can render strong men helpless!
Owen Gets Kicked Out of St Louis Hotel
There’s more than one St Louis. There’s more than one hotel in St Louis. In fact, there’s more than one St Louis Hotel, and some aren’t even in St Louis!
That Time I Took My Sons to The Circus
I love a circus! The animals, snow cones, cotton candy, cheesy music, barkers, & the crappy toys that smelled like a headache. But this circus had problems.