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Music Reviews by The Pencilneck ®

Music is supposed to feel like something

And performances tend to feel better than stuff that’s assembled like Lego bricks…

Music Reviews by The Pencilneck ®

Music is supposed to feel like something

And performances tend to feel better than stuff that’s assembled like Lego bricks…

The Muse

In 1980, Mom moved heaven and earth so we could go on a cruise for Christmas. Unfortunately, that also meant dancing lessons…!

The Pencilnecks in Vegas

One from the archives: the first trip The Colonel and I took after becoming parents. The horror…

Escape from Ransom Island

You’ve been kidnapped and taken to an island off the coast of Alaska. Congratulations: you’ve got 48 hours to Escape From Ransom Island!

Hoedown in Hollywood

Maybe it’s the smog, maybe it’s the botox, or maybe it’s the lack of red meat, but Hollywood types seem to have absolutely no interest in making good television.

St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago

There are worse places to spend St. Patrick’s Day than Chicago. A few years ago I spent a whirlwind 48 hours there “on business”…

Assassinating Stanley

Dad’s riding mower was his pride and joy, but he made the mistake of teaching me to drive at a young age. It’s how I got embroiled in the affair of Assassinating Stanley.

The Pencilneck ® on Erasing

One of the problems about being a pencil artist is that everyone thinks that they know what pencil is. And erasers and erasing. Pfhfhft..

Drawing White

I tend to build up the tones on the page and dial in the detail towards the finish line. Waitaminute. You can’t draw white… rats!
