Owen’s Free Mini Print Extravaganza!

Have Your Choice of Owen Garratt’s $69 Limited Edition Mini Prints – FREE!
Have Your Choice of Owen Garratt’s $69 Limited Edition Mini Prints – FREE!
These mini prints have the same great taste as Owen’s regular Limited Edition Prints, but are less filling!
Take your pick from the selection below, with our complements! (just $3.95 S&H)
These mini prints have the same great taste as Owen’s regular Limited Edition Prints, but are less filling!
Take your pick from the selection below, with our complements! (just $3.95 S&H)

Golf Pencil Drawing Print ALL GONE!
“I‘ve always wondered about these vital old fellas that you see charging around golf courses in marginal weather…“
Get another one quick!!!

Drinking Tiger Print $69 FREE!
“Tigers and water are a great compliment of textures, emotions, and elemental energies. Huh. When I became an artist, I swore I’d never talk like that. It’s difficult for people to take your work in if they’re rolling their eyes…”

The Mesmerist
Snake Charmer Drawing Print $69 FREE!
“What was the snake charmer’s experience like as a child?
‘Mom! I want to be a snake charmer!’
‘Get that thing out of my house!’ Mom shrieks at the fresh Cobra he’s brought in. Why can’t you just lie on a bed of nails like your father?’

Zebra Print $69 FREE!
I enjoy playing with negative space and the empty bits. Most people think of it as black, but negative space doesn’t have to mean “no light”.

One Festive Kitty
Kitten Drawing Print $69 FREE!
“Sometimes you see something that’d make a cute drawing, so you grab a camera, but the kitty begins knawing your thumb, so you set him down in the heap of paper, but now he has taken to climbing the drapes…

Case Tractor Print $69 FREE!
“When this was pbulished, a typo got in and all 1968 Certificates of Authenticity proclaimed this drawing as being called ‘Stalward’.
‘Bah! I bet no one will even notice!’
Wrong again, Shakespeare…

The Old Foreman
John Deere Print $69 FREE!
“You can’t hurry a ninety-something year old along with the storytelling. For the next 7 1/2 hours, I learned more than I probably needed to know about each and every tractor, plow, discer, seeder, combine, and swather he’d restored over the past 21 years…”

Oil Rig Pencil Drawing Print ALL GONE!
“Sometimes guys in The Patch think I’m some kind of expert…
‘Every other artist who’s tried to do rigs misses the bearing edge on the Doomahickey flange; they either put it too close to the Splammenflammer bearing or the Doodleybopperthingy belt – which is ridiculous!’ ‘ a grizzled , two-fisted, old-timer will say.”
‘Egad, really?’ I‘ll say, scanning for exits…”
Get another one quick!!!
What Others Are Saying About Owen’s Art
“Since 2000 we’ve bought over 300 of Owen Garratt’s limited edition prints to use as gifts, donations and prizes. Our staff has also purchased numerous prints for themselves, and I personally own a couple of Owen’s originals.”
Tim Boychuk
Boychuk Transport
"Owen Garratt’s art has proven to be one of our most sought after promotional pieces among our consultants and customers."
Tawndra L. Calhoun
Pure Energy Services Partnership
“Owen’s incredible pencil sketches are very well received as corporate donations. He is a pleasure to deal with and very accommodating”
Lorene Curre
CH4 Compression Services Ltd
“Since 2000 we’ve been using Owen’s prints for staff, fundraisers, and charities. The Pencilneck’s ® team has always gone the extra mile for us!”
Glenn Bohay
The Co-operators