The Pencilneck’s ® Art Shipping Crates
Art Shipping Crates custom built to our exact specifications, just for you.
This video, featuring one of our very own Groovy Framing Elves ™, is getting a little long in the tooth, but it keeps us all humble!
Yes, our workspace has changed, and so have the crates, slightly, but this video still shows the protection and comfort that your art can expect as it rushes to its new home!
Art Shipping can be a real drag!
Gah! getting our shipping down to a T is a classic case of the School of Hard Knocks.
In addition to being valuable, it’s, you know, paper, so it’s extremely fragile.
It needs to be protected from moisture, being dropped, and being crushed. If the glass breaks, that’s bad enough, but there’s a better than even chance that that sharp glass will cut into the artwork too.
When Owen’s career started getting traction, it wasn’t on a local level. It was folks from other places. Other states, other provinces, other countries.
We had to figure this out, fast!
Other commercially available art shipping crates are ridiculously expensive. You could spend well over $100 on some cardboard and foam that offer no better protection than what we’ve designed.
Oddly, the big shipping companies weren’t much help. In the early years, following their advice actually lost us a lot of artwork.
They have their rules, and you must obey the rules, or else they won’t honor the insurance they were happy to charge you for.
So this means either double-walled, or two layers of cardboard.
But that’s not enough either. You need shock-absorbing insulation.
And we found the very best in terms of shock absorption, cost, and light weight is high-density styrofoam. Not that crumbly mock that leaves little white pebbles everywhere, the denser stuff that’s more like house insulation.
It looks like regular styrofoam in the video, but it’s the high-density stuff, and when she places the ‘pad’ on top, you can see the cardboard glued onto it.
If you ever have to ship some artwork, don’t use bubble wrap! It is as useless as udders on a duck when it comes to protecting framed artwork. It may offer some impact protection across the front, but it does nothing for the corners.
Corner impact is the worst, And just like the buttered side of toast ends up on the bottom, it’s the corners of packaged artwork that takes the brunt of the damage.
We have a good two inches of high-density foam between the corner of the artwork and the box.
The Absolute Best
We have shipped thousands and thousands and thousands of Owen Garratt’s framed limited edition prints over the years, and our losses can be counted on one hand.
Our art shipping crates are so effective, if you receive your Owen Garratt artwork damaged, we ask that you DO NOT call the shipping company…
Give us a call, and we’ll handle it ourselves.
And right away!
World Class Framing by World Class Artisans
Italian frame.
Matting imported from mills in the U.K.
American glass technology.
Every print is framed to order and overseen by a National Framing Champion and International People’s Choice Award-Winner.
It’s the perfect compliment to Owen’s Limited Edition Prints.
Custom Engraved Plaques
Personalize the Perfect Gift to make it even more, ah, perfect...
Have whatever you like engraved - FREE - up to 26 characters per line, 2 lines max!
For special requests, please call us at 1-800-444-7055
What Others Are Saying About Owen's Art
“Since 2000 we’ve bought over 300 of Owen Garratt’s limited edition prints to use as gifts, donations and prizes. Our staff has also purchased numerous prints for themselves, and I personally own a couple of Owen’s originals.”
Tim Boychuk
Boychuk Transport
"Owen Garratt’s art has proven to be one of our most sought after promotional pieces among our consultants and customers."
Tawndra L. Calhoun
Pure Energy Services Partnership
“Owen’s incredible pencil sketches are very well received as corporate donations. He is a pleasure to deal with and very accommodating”
Lorene Curre
CH4 Compression Services Ltd
“Since 2000 we’ve been using Owen’s prints for staff, fundraisers, and charities. The Pencilneck’s ® team has always gone the extra mile for us!”
Glenn Bohay
The Co-operators