Contact The Pencilneck ®

Got a Burning Question?Contact the Pencilneck QUESTIONING SCHTICK

Then call a doctor (ba-dum-bum) but if you’re curious about anything Pencilnecky, feel free to drop us a line anytime, or call us at 1-800-444-7055.

Use the snazzy form below to contact The Pencilneck ® and Owen, or more likely one of his flunkies, will get back to you straight away!

If you have a question about shipping, you might find your answer in the Shipping FAQ.

Contact the Pencilneck ®

The Most Common Questions…

What kind of paper does Owen use?

“Mellotex.  It’s a blue-white, plate finished paper with no texture. I want to control the texture, not fight with it.”

What kind of pencils does Owen use?

“Whatever’s handy. Seriously. I’m always buying new ones and trying them out. I use mechanical, drafting, wood, caseless…whatever. But I seem to use a lot of plain yellow ones from Staples ®”

Where did Owen learn to draw?

“In crappy hotel rooms, and at the kitchen table. In fact, I didn’t even have a kitchen table, so I bought an inexpensive (cheap) drafting table from Staples ® and put it in the kitchen of my one-bedroom cinder block bachelor pad and ate in the living room.”


Attn: Artists!

If you’re an artist check out Marketing Tools for Artists, an online resource dedicated to helping artists with their careers!

While Owen enjoys hearing from artists and encourages them to ask questions, there’re only so many hours in a week. So in response to demand (and The Colonel, who was beginning to question the amount of time he was spending answering questions) Owen spearheaded Marketing Tools for Artists.

If you’re an artist who has notions of taking Owen our for lunch to pick his brain, click here and you’ll be money ahead…!

Jackson’s Gallery is the Secret World Headquarters of The Pencilneck ®

Jackson’s handles all framing and order fulfillment for Owen Garratt, as well as bookings and inquiries.

Jackson’s Gallery
Call Toll-Free in the US and Canada

